Ola Fremming's homepage


Archive of model airplanes I have had.

This is just some of them, I will try to make it as complete as possible :


F3A type models used for competitions

Picture Vitals Comments

Plane : Nexus

Supplier : Pegase composite

Motor : VLV contra-drive

Crashed during easter 2024


Plane : Oxalys # 3

Supplier : ZN-line

Motor : Plettenberg Extra 30-10 Evo

This is the plug-in wing version of the Oxalys from ZN-line. Much more practical for electric propulsion than the normal one piece wing.

Sold again 2023

Plane : Xareltoo

Supplier : Pegase composite

Motor : Hacker Q80 14XS ST

New # 1 for 2019, sold Sept. 2022

Plane : SupraFly

Supplier : EZ (OK models)

Motor : Enya 60 XL

Sold 2021

Plane : Helios 63

Supplier : Hyperion

Engine : Hyperion ZS4020-12

Propeller : APC 13x10E

Smallish electric F3A model for winter-practice.  Sold 2020


Plane : Element

Supplier : BJ Craft

Motor : Hacker Q80 14XS ST


Plane : Xareltoo

Supplier : Pegase composite

Motor : Hacker Q80 14 XS

Crashed May 2018

Plane : Galactik(a)

Supplier : Oxai

Motor : Hacker Q80 14 XS

Upgraded with Galactica surfaces for the 2016 season

Crashed August 2018

Plane : Galactik

Supplier : Oxai

Motor : Hacker Q80 14 XS

Present from self to self for be alive at 50.


Plane : Arixtra+

Supplier : Aerocompet

Motor : Hacker Q80 14 XS


Sold september 2015

Plane : Arixtra

Supplier : Aerocompet

Motor : Hacker Q80 14 XS


Plane : Janissary

Supplier : BM models

Motor : Hacker C50omp 14XL

Tested for the manufacturer, a generally good airplane.

Plane : Gaudius pro

Supplier : Wolfgang Lorenz / Jaroslav Mach (builder)

Motor : Hacker c50 14XL


Plane : Gaudius

Supplier : Wolfgang Lorenz / Jaroslav Mach (builder)

Motor : Hacker C50 14XL


Plane : Xigris

Supplier : ZN-line

Engine : Hacker C50-14XL

Propeller : APC 21x14


Myself and the Integral on a surprisingly nice Sunday in October

Plane : Integral

Supplier : ZN-line / C-ARF / Own

Engine : Hacker C50-14XL Comp.

Propeller : APC 21x14E

Initially I was rather disappointed with the kit, too heavy for electrics. After making new wings, stabs and rudder it came in well below the magic 5kg.  Now after some trimming I really like the way it flies.

Crashed July 2009

Plane : Integral

Supplier : ZN-line / C-ARF / Own

Engine : Hacker C50-13XL Comp.

Propeller : APC 20x13E

From the experience with the first I bought just the fuselage (white) and made my own wings for it.  This way I also got my 'own' color-scheme.  I find that this is more visible in the air, specially the bottom side of the wing.

Crashed June 13. 2009

Oxalys,  OS 140RX-FI

Plane : Oxalys #1

Supplier :

Engine : OS 140RX-FI

Exhaust : Greve


This is one of the two I got that was build for the 2005 season.  The wing is slightly modified (my own make).



Plane : Oxalys #2

Supplier : ZN-line

Engine : OS FS200S FI

Exhaust : Hatori


One of the old, have ripped out the OS 140RX-FI and mounted the big new 4-stroke.  Experiences here.


Plane : Synergy

Supplier : ZN-line

Engine : OS 140RX

Used year : 2003-4


Plane : Evolis XXL

Supplier : ZN-line

Engine : 3M 140 & 170

Used year : 2002

This is one that I never really was happy with, even with my own wing (that helped a lot). I never got it to perform as expected.  SOLD


Plane : Alliance

Supplier : ZN-line

Engine : OS 140RX

Used year : 2002

My first Alliance, repainted and converted to fixed gear. SOLD

Plane : Alliance

Supplier : ZN-line

Engine : OS 140RX

Used year : 2001


Plane : Alliance

Supplier : ZN-line

Engine : OS 140RX

Used year : 2000

My first alliance, SOLD

Plane : Caprise

Supplier : ZN-line

Engine : OS 140RX

Used year : 1999

For this one I made my own slightly modified wing. I increased the sweep-back, and made the tip-airfoil thinner than the original. SOLD

Plane : Caprise

Supplier : ZN-line

Engine : OS 140RX

Used year : 1998

My first Caprise SOLD

Plane : Spigas 7

Supplier :Own

Engine : Webra 145R

Used year : 1997

My second composite model, this time with FG-balsa-FG sandwich structure. this one with a full 2x2m

Plane : Spigas 6

Supplier : Own

Engine : Webra 120 R

Used year : 1996

I built a couple more of these models and powered them with the first available big rear exhaust 2-stroke.

Plane : Spigas 6

Supplier : Own

Engine : YS 120 AC

Used year : 1994

My first venture into composite fuselage construction. Crashed spectacularly with a Byron Beachcraft staggerwing.

Plane : Spigas 5

Supplier :Own

Engine : OS 61 RFP 'Hanno'

Used year : 1993


Plane : Spigas 4

Supplier :Own

Engine : OS 61RFP 'Hanno'

Used year : 1991 - 1993


Plane : Dash 5

Supplier :Yoshioka

Engine : OS 61 RFP

Used year : 1988 - 1990

I build one from original kit, and one more with modifications.  If my memory serves me right, I stretched the fuselage etc. Sold them both

Plane : Spigas 2

Supplier :Own

Engine : OS 61 VF

Used year : 1987


Plane : Spigas

Supplier : Own

Engine : OS 61VF

Used year : 1986

Crashed, too low inverted low-pass.

Plane : Tingen

Supplier : Own

Engine : OS 61VF

Used year : 1985


Plane : Snurare

Supplier : Own

Engine : Rossi 61 LS, then OS 61 VF

Used year : 1985

Crashed after engine flameout and landing in rough terrain

Plane : Curare

Supplier : MK

Engine : OS 61 VF

Used year : 1984

Worn out by several small accidents.

Plane : Aureka

Supplier : Own

Engine : OS 45 FSR ABC

Used year : 1984

Shot down by huge (multi kilowatt) commercial transmitter.

Plane : Ascensione

Supplier : Own

Engine : OS 45 FSR ABC

Used year : 1983

Spectacularly crashed into forest.

Plane : Shooting start 40L

Supplier : Pilot

Engine : OS 45 FSR ABC

Used year : 1983

Don't remember it's fate, but most likely I crashed it.

F3A-type models never used for competitions

Plane : Groove freestyle

Supplier : Weston UK

Engine : YS 63FZ

Exhaust : OS 4-cycle

Propeller : APC 13x6

Sold February 2009
Funtana-S,  3M170

Plane : Funtana

Supplier : Exclusive modellbau

Engine : Empty

Propeller : NA

Sold February 2009

Plane : Epsilon 90

Supplier : CA models

Engine : OS 120AX

Exhaust : Original

Propeller : APC 16x10

Built for off-season practice and fun. With a weight of just under 3.8kg it's got awesome power with the 120. 


Plane : Spigas 3 

Supplier : Own

Engine : OS 46 VF-P

When : 1996

A design i made in the late 80's to help young kids get a reasonably good model for a low cost.  Drawings are available for download here. The one shown here was made later for myself.

Plane : Spigas 7 

Supplier : Own

Engine : 

When : 1996

Made as a backup plane, never flown by me. Sold it to a friend.

Plane : Spigas 7 

Supplier : Own

Engine : Webra 120R

When : 

I made this for off season practice, got tired and sold it.

Plane : Spigas E

Supplier : Own

Motor : Kontronik Fun 600-18

When : 

Made to get experience with electric propulsion. Drawings are available as downloads here. SOLD

Plane : Spigas S

Supplier : Own

Engine : OS 91FX


Again a small winter-practice model, same type of wing as Spigas 90 and E.  SOLD

Plane : Spigas 90

Supplier : Own

Engine : OS 91FX

When : 

Quite a few was made as a basic-kit to help wannabe's.  The prototype was sold.

Plane : Wasp 40

Engine : SuperTigre .51

When : 

I won this in a club-raffle, felt I had to build and test-fly it. Boring !   Sold

Plane : Blue Angel 45SR

Supplier : MK

Engine : OS 45 FSR ABC

When : 1982

My first low-wing model, crashed.



Other models

Model : Nakayima KI-84

Supplier : EMS?

Motor : Turnigy Rotomax 1.40


Model : Bücker Jungmann

Supplier : Built from drawings

Motor : Scorpion 3026 710kv

Destroyed in a mid-air with a Scale Chipmunk
Adrenalin, Speed 400  

Plane : Adrenalin

Supplier : 

Motor : Mege 16/15/3

Propeller : APC 4.75 x 4.75

Batteries : 3S Hyperion VX 1600

Lost sight of it, crashed.
Model : SLowPoke 40Sport

Engine : OS FS 70 Ultimate

Sold, as I by 2010 had switched exclusively to electrics.
Surprise 12 (F5B-10), Plettenberg 220/25 A1 P6 7:1

Plane : Surprise 12

Supplier : RFM

Wing-span : 200cm

Motor : Plettenberg 220/25 A1 P6 7:1

Propeller : Carbon 17x18 (Yes!)

Batteries : 4s A123 2.3Ah

Fuselage destroyed by hot batteries

Plane : Tempra 2

Wingspan : 120

Worn out after much abuse

Plane : Katana 30S

Supplier : SebArt

Engine : Hacker A30L-14


Sold Jan 2009

Plane : CoLieBri

Supplier : UltraMicro

Motor : Axi 2204/54C

When : 2005 

Worn out

Plane : IFO

Supplier : 

Engine : Speed 280

When : 2003

Thrashed as depron-models made it look like a dinosaur.

Plane : LieRaider

Supplier : UltraMicro

Engine : Nippy 0808/98

When : 2004 

Worn out

Plane : Laser 3D

Supplier : Laser

Engine : Irvine 53

When : 2000


Plane : Edge 540 

Supplier : Robbe

Engine : Hyperion Z4020-14

When : 2006

Crashed due to a bad receiver battery.

Type : Sceadu 50 Evo

Supplier : Hirobo

Engine : OS 50 SX Hyper

Exhaust : Hatori SB50

Blades : KOK 600

Sold in October 2009, it was then not used for a year.

Model : Schuttle plus

Supplier : Hirobo

Engine : OS 32 H

When : 2003

My first helicopter, a gift from my friends when I turned 40.  SOLD

Plane :No name

Supplier : Own

Engine : ST X45

When : 1990

122 cm wingspan, 1.5Kg and ST X-45 !

Plane : Dödalus

Supplier : Simprop

Engine : NA

When : 1980


Plane :Bird of time

Supplier : Don't remember

Engine : 

When : 1981


Plane : Telemaster 1800

Supplier : Don't remember

Engine : OS 45 FSR ABC

When : 1981


Plane : Sporty 2

Supplier : Simprop

Engine : Thunder Tiger 15

When : 1981


Plane : modified Super Pacer

Supplier : Don't remember

Engine : Webra 32

When : 1995'ish

Won a kit for a super pacer, flew it and crashed it with only fuselage damage.  Made a new longer and lighter fuselage.

Plane : Starlight

Supplier : from drawings

Engine : OS 15 FP

When :


Plane :20-pylon

Supplier : Own

Engine : SuperTigre S29


Plane : Blaster 2

Supplier : Vladimir's Models

Wingspan : 150


Plane : 

Supplier : 

Engine : 

When :


Plane : 

Supplier : 

Engine : 

When :


Plane : 

Supplier : 

Engine : 

When :


Plane : 

Supplier : 

Engine :

When :